We live in a world of information overload, and for the seeker of the light, it is more than a daunting task paddling through the sea of lies to find small glints of truth. One spiritual path that has always been considered the true shaker to the catholic church and the interpretation of the Bible is Gnosticism. It started off quite strong when Yeshua Christ came in human form, and gained alot of attention amongst church leaders and other religions, but after many slayings, burned libraries and dis-information campaigns by prominent church fathers and rulers its teachings became all but eradicated, until now. The Gnostics themselves foresaw the fall of their teachings taking place, and believed that the Gnostic teachings would resurface in the end days.
As World War II came to an end, the discovery was made in the sands of Egypt, scrolls bound up and placed in jars were found, and it wasn't until many years later that they became transcribed into English to kickstart the rebirth of knowledge believed to be the true teachings of Yeshua the Christ.So to begin what is the overall Gnostic belief?
-Gnosticism is the belief that this physical dimension is an illusion made by an ignorant god.
-This ignorant god whom is known by the names Jehovah, Yahweh, Yaltaboath, Tetragrammaton, Demiurge etc. is not the most high as he claims, but is instead a jealous and wrathful god, who seeks to keep mankind in a state of slumber, so as to not allow man to awaken and realize the divinity within.
-The demiurge who was a mirror reflection of the Logos(Yeshua) created the hierarchies of this realm, he created both his own Angels and the Archons who are the rulers of the seven dimensions within the universe.
-When the Most High, creator of the all showed himself to the demiurge, the demiurge then sought to create a being in the image that he saw thinking it was of himself, so he along with the archons went to work creating the body of man.
-When the bodily vehicle had been completed, it laid lifeless for a time, and they could not figure how to breathe life into it. When the Most High looked down upon the man and saw that it was no more than a lifeless being, he breathed his spirit into the mans body making him even greater than the demiurge and the archons whom had created it.
-Seeing that this created being had become more wise than the demiurge who believed himself to be the most high, he then cast man out of "paradise" into the lowest realm of matter, and proceeded to divide man into two forms both male and female, in turn also causing man to experience death after a short time.
-In genesis it says that when god extracted Eve from Adams rib, he made Adam fall into a deep sleep, the deep sleep was a shroud of darkness and forgetfulness which fell over the mind of man causing him to not remember from whom he had truly been brought to life by (the Most High).
-The Most High is unknowable, and has no name for there was none before the Most High to give a name, the Most High created an extension of himself (a son) and that is the Logos.
-The Logos created the whole universe himself with the power of the Father, and it was His reflection that caused the demiurge to become created into a lower realm. The Logos is one with the Most High, and the Holy Spirit.
- Well it seems as though the demiurge was created by mistake, The Logos does not make mistakes, all is created for a reason, and all will play out to his liking and favour in the end.
-Mankind multiplied and grew to worship the demiurge and his archons, the Logos would periodically come in the form of different images and forms revealing himself to certain groups of people at different times, but when He would leave, the writings that would be made about Him would quickly become corrupted and twisted, and the light that was brought by him would soon become hidden and secret.
-The demiurge and his archons eventually learned how to created a counterfeit spirit in which to animate a human body with, and along with that the Archons also figured out a way to intermingle with daughters of men through genetic manipulation in turn leading to four different groups of people and also other races of humanoid beings.
- For humans the 3 different groups are the animal natured whom are not filled with the spirit and will simply perish when they die, the psychic race who are capable of either falling to the evil or good, and can be saved to live for eternity or fall into eternal damnation. And the spiritual race whom have come from heaven into physical flesh, and will return to whence they came when their bodies perish. And the fourth kind are the demonic entities that can inhabit human bodies and live among mankind, acting as a nemesis along the way, and they also inhabit other life forms throughout the physical universe.
The basic foundation has been laid, and will be greatly expanded upon in due time. Gnosticism may appear to be overwhelming at first glance, especially if one has been raised with preset beliefs and religions, but if you have been raised learning about the bible or any other religion Gnosticism is not to be viewed as a new religion to replace your original system, but instead it is knowledge and wisdom that will allow you to see things from a different perspective. A perspective that is not limiting, lacking or diminutive in any way.
The goal in the path to spiritual enlightenment is to learn the things necessary to break ones chains and set one onto the path that leads to eternal life, and oneness to the Most High. This cannot be accomplished if one is following dark entities whose sole purpose is to bind your soul and feed off of your energy, while you remain in a state of deep slumber never getting the chance to experience the true path of light and perfection.
The Gnostic path, which is the true "Christien" path is not for everyone, because not everyone is from the Most High or capable of attaining to reach higher realms. Demons and evil entities live all around you, and they seek to destroy you and withhold the knowledge from you that can set you free. Gnostic simply means knowledge, the difference between light and darkness is that light is knowledge, and darkness is the withholding of knowledge. The knowledge spoken of is the wisdom that leads to realization of the spirit of the Logos within and in turn life after death. So a question that likely comes to ones mind is, if there are four different beings that are currently animating human bodies on this planet, how can one tell if it is possible to reach the higher realms in ones current vessel? Well for starters your sex, or physical race does not have anything to do with what you are, it is possible for a family of four to be divided between animal, psychic, spiritual, and demonic beings. Luckily we do not live in a world of coincidence, if you are a viable(psychic, being capable of salvation) or a spiritual being (destined for salvation) chances are forces of light have began leading you to search for the truth, and as Jesus said, "seek and you shall find, knock on the door and you will be let in". If you are studying the hidden mysteries which will truly lead you to salvation than you simply are not an empty being, but instead you are a child of light being led to the path of light and truth.
It is time to awaken to your true inner nature, and understand why you are here. Connect your self to the Logos, and give your praise and adoration to none other than the Most High creator of the all, do not let others tell you what the truth is, do not let what you have been raised to believe solidify into your mind. When the Logos fills you on the inside you become born again, your prior self dies and is replaced by the spirit of the Logos, in turn everything that you need to know at any given time becomes instantly available to you. Imagine it as a giant umbilical cord of light attached inside of you from above, that is connected to the source of Light, let the light pour down into your being in turn rearranging your DNA, your physical being and your soul. And as you begin to handle larger and larger amounts of pure light let it flow out into the world of darkness around you. You are here on a mission of upmost importance, you have been sent to destroy the system from within, as an agent of Christ, and you are not alone...
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