
The Archons

   Archon means "lord of the universe," they can be likened to extra terrestrials, fallen angels, gods and so fourth. Throughout time they have made appearances, and come and ruled as gods on this planet.

   The human race today has greatly grown in knowledge and perception, if these so called gods were to come down in "vessels" we would no longer fall on our faces in worship, but would more likely open fire with our weapons, or accept them as benevolent extra terrestrials.

   In the ancient days, the Archons were known as the Annunaki, and in the bible it refers to the nephilim as the "sons of the Anak."  The nephilim were the offspring supposedly produced when the sons of god saw that the daughters of men were good and lusted after them.

   In the book of Enoch it talks about how these angels came down and taught men many things such as beauty making, sorcery and all sorts of knowledge. Our universe more than likely contains a myriad of beings, some of which are good and some of which are evil.

    The bloodlines that were created from these angel/man copulations, still rule the planet today. And it is from the DNA of these dark beings, that the rulers of our planet have acquired their great capacity for evil and darkness.

   The men and women who are the children of light, of the most High, are even greater than these fallen angels. And the children of light possess deep inside the recesses of their very being a power that is infinite when connected to the most High. This is why the dark forces of the universe and this planet seek to keep mankind in a state of slumber.

   The Archons have infiltrated all religions and "holy books", and changed what has started off as sources of light into half truths mixed with lies and deceit. When the Logos came in human form as Yeshua, he never came to requisite worship for himself, but instead came to show the way of light that leads to the most High. After his departure however, a false religion was made around him, one that has lead people to the worship of the avatar of the Logos, and furthermore has turned into a religion around human sacrifice and solar worship.

    The Logos will now be making a final appearance in human form once again, and not to bring peace, but a sword...

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